For more than 20 years, Avidyne’s primary focus has been, and always will be, the development and delivery of premium avionics for the general aviation community. It all started with a single idea; that there has to be a better, safer way to fly for single pilots. Struck by the how little GA cockpits have changed over the last 30 years, CEO and Founder, Dan Schwinn, saw the tremendous potential in developing a core technology that would define a new generation of avionics for GA flight safety. The integrated flight deck for general aviation was created. Made by pilots for pilots, our avionics are designed for workload reduction and simplicity of operation for the single pilot. Based on that premise, Avidyne found success early with its Entegra PFD and EX500 MFD. Building on its continued success, Avidyne developed the IFD-series, its flagship product line. The IFD was designed as slide-in replacements for the GNS series but with features and capabilities of a true FMS with GPS/ NAV/COM, not just a single GPS resource.

LPV vertical guidance coupled approaches

Easy-to-use interface with Hybrid Touch-screen technology including knobs and buttons

Synthetic Vision for improved situational awareness, 3D terrain, traffic and obstacles

Supports ADS-B IN including FIS-B weather and optional traffic

ADS-B out solution with AXP340 or use CTL92 Control Head with ADS-B upgraded TDR94 to meet the mandate

WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity for iPad

Foreflight and FltPlan compatible

IFD100 iPad App

IFD100 iPad Application
The IFD100 App turns any iPad into a big glass extension of your installed IFD. Every IFD function can be displayed in the app. Download the simulator to learn why the IFD100 is a major tool for mission success.