Dynon Avionics
Basic Dynon Experimental Package Dynon Avionics Part #: DYNONPKG1
Package includes your choice of display, plus the following: Main Wiring Harness, SynVis, Navigation Mapping Software, ADAHRS, GPS 2020 Receiver, Backup Battery, Engine Monitoring Module, Network Cables.
Discount Experimental Package Dynon Avionics Part #: DYNONPKG2
Package includes your choice of display, plus the following: Main Wiring Harness, SynVis, Navigation Mapping Software, ADAHRS, Dual Comms, GPS 2020 Receiver, Transponder, and Intercom/Audio Panel.
View MoreSkyview HDX 7"
Experimental Glass Panel Display w/Synthetic Vision Dynon Avionics Part #: SV-HDX800
SkyView HDX features improved displays, beautiful design, unrivaled control ergonomics, and an upgraded touch interface. SkyView HDX displays are compatible with all existing SkyView components and feature identical mounting profiles and electrical connections.
View MoreSkyview HDX 10"
Experimental Glass Panel Display w/Synthetic Vision Dynon Avionics Part #: SV-HDX1100
SkyView HDX features improved displays, beautiful design, unrivaled control ergonomics, and an upgraded touch interface. SkyView HDX displays are compatible with all existing SkyView components and feature identical mounting profiles and electrical connections.
View MoreSkyview HDX 12"
Experimental Glass Panel Display w/Synthetic Vision Dynon Avionics Part #: 104769-000 (SV-HDX1200)
The new SV-HDX1200 12” display features the largest high-resolution, sunlight-readable screen ever offered by Dynon: perfect for the brightest cockpits and the most “experienced” eyes. Additionally, the SV-HDX1200 maintains full compatibility with all existing Dynon SkyView modules, harnesses, and accessories, and can be mixed and matched in a panel with 10” SV-HDX1100 and 7” SV-HDX800 displays.
Experimental SkyView Knob Control Panel Dynon Avionics Part #: 102136-00X
Available in Horizontal or Vertical configuration.
In busy cockpits, sometimes all you want is a knob that "just works" and always does what you expect. The SV-KNOB-PANEL solves that issue with three knobs for the most used functions: Altimeter setting (BARO), Heading bug, and the Altitude bug.
Experimental SkyView Autopilot Control Panel Dynon Avionics Part #: 102137-00X
Available in Horizontal or Vertical configuration.
The Autopilot control panel allows full control of the SkyView approach-capable autopilot without touching a single button on the SkyView screen.
Integrated SkyView COM Radio. TSO'd (25 kHz) Dynon Avionics Part #: 103708-000
The SkyView COM Radio will change the way you use an aircraft radio.
NOTE: Must purchase SV-COM-PANEL for full functionality.
View MoreSV-COM-760
VHF Com Radio (25 kHz) Dynon Avionics Part #: 104300-000
The SkyView COM Radio will change the way you use an aircraft radio. By integrating deeply with your Dynon SkyView system, the SkyView COM Radio tunes frequencies by airport and station type - rather than by spinning in a number - at the touch of a button. You can also send frequencies over from the SkyView map airport info pages. For when you’re feeling nostalgic (or are following ATC instructions), a dual concentric knob lets you spin in frequencies “the old fashioned way.” SkyView will identify the airport and station type as you tune to help ensure you’re talking to the right radio station.
View MoreACM Jumpstart Kit
Advanced Control Module Dynon Avionics Part #: 104346-000
The ACM Jumpstart Kit is the most affordable way to install the ACM in an aircraft, providing a solid well-engineered foundation for your aircraft’s electrical system and panel wiring.
Control Panel for SkyView COM Radio w/OLED Display Dynon Avionics Part #: 10483x-000Available in Horizontal or Vertical configuration.
The SkyView COM Radio will change the way you use an aircraft radio. Must be paired with the SV-COM-760 or SV-COM-X25 Transceiver.
View MoreSV-ADSB-472
Dual Band ADS-B Traffic and Weather Receiver Dynon Avionics Part #: 102985-000The dual band SV-ADSB-472 receives ADS-B traffic via 978 MHz (UAT) and 1090 MHz. In the US, it also receives free text and graphical weather from the FAA’s network of ADS-B ground stations. Unlike portable ADS-B receivers, you get FULL ADS-B and radar traffic when you pair this with our Mode-S transponder. The remote mounted receiver utilizes an externally mounted antenna for superior ADS-B reception.
Intercom for Dynon Skyview Systems Dynon Avionics Part #: 101677-000The SV-INTERCOM-2S offers audio panel features at half the price. Dynon's new two-place, stereo Intercom solves the problem of having to choose between an under-featured intercom or an expensive audio panel. The SV-INTERCOM-2S has everything you need to connect EFIS systems, stereo music, and other technology in your panel.
View MoreSV-XPNDR-261
Mode S Transponder, Class 1 Dynon Avionics Part #: 101409-000For High Performance Aircraft. Made for the SkyView System with control and annunciation appearing on the SkyView Display. The transponder module can be mounted anywhere in the airplane that is convenient.
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