The new LYNX MultiLink Surveillance System from L3

The Lynx® MultiLink Surveillance Systems (MSS) is a single box avionics solution packed full of ADS-B benefits. The Lynx family includes four models, ranging from an ADS-B Out only unit with WiFi display options for Personal Electronic Devices (PED) as well as models for display of ADS-B information to dedicated cockpit displays (MFDs).
The most notable model is the Lynx NGT-9000 - an intuitive touch screen display that is a form-factor replacement for existing transponders. The NGT-9000 offers an extensive features list and is the most logical choice for pilot’s looking to take full advantage of the ADS-B NextGen flight environment.
Dimensions: 6.25”W x 1.8”H
The Lynx NGT-9000 series provide 1090ES (Mode S Extended Squitter) ADS-B Out as well as 1090Mhz and 978Mhz (UAT) ADS-B In. This provides ADS-B traffic (ADS-B, ADS-R and TIS-B) and FIS-B input. L-3 NextGen Active Traffic® and/or ADS-B antenna diversity is an available option. Panel mount (NGT-9000) and remote mount (NGT9000R) versions are available. All systems provide 14 CFR 91.227 compliance. A WiFi interface module is available for connectivity to iPad® and AndroidTM devices with applications such as WingX Pro and SkyRadar (other apps pending). All Lynx MSS models incorporate a rule compliant position source (WAAS GPS) requiringno external GPS connections.

Inputting data and adjusting settings is straightforward with the Lynx’ bright and intuitive touch screen display. The screen’s touch and swipe sensitivity has been optimized to work in almost any flight environment.
One of the primary benefits of the ADS-B environment is thetraffic information it provides. The Lynx NGT-9000 offers flexibility to display traffic on the unit itself, as well as other panel mounted avionics that use the popular ARINC 429, RS-232 or RS-422 protocols. The NGT-9000 model features an option for an in-line WiFi transmitter, enabling pilots to view ADS-B traffic on their PED (iPad) using a compatible app. Since the Lynx NGT-9000 receives simultaneously on both 1090Mhz and 978Mhz, pilots will receive ADS-B traffic regardless of altitude or geographic location.

Unique to the L-3 system is its patented “Lynx Tail” providing detailed information of surrounding traffic including Flight ID, Ground Speed (GS) and aircraft classification (with corresponding icon) of participating ADS-B traffic.
While ADS-B traffic is comprehensive, there are limitations to the service including line of sight to station, nonequipped areas, GPS signal integrity and non-participating aircraft. The Lynx NGT-9000 has the option to be equipped with the L-3 NextGen Active Traffic® system. This enablement blends ADS-B with active traffic data, providing an uninterrupted display of aircraft equipped with Mode A, C and S transponders. Adding NextGen Active Traffic also enables extended aural alerting of intruder aircraft position such as “Traffic, 1 O’clock High, 2 Miles.” Existing SkyWatch® owners can opt to re-use the system’s antenna and cables. The L-3 NextGen Active Traffic enablement is built into the NGT-9000+, eliminating the need for an external box, saving weight and installation costs.

A single ADS-B target along with two active traffic symbols from the L-3 NextGen Active Traffic enablement is shown above. The transponder screen has been minimized to view traffic and weather simultaneously.
The Lynx NGT-9000 includes subscription-free weather data such as METARs, AIRMETs, SIGMETs and NEXRAD information overlaid on a moving map. A second map page shows Winds and Temps Aloft data. This arrangement allows the pilot to quickly page through graphical weather screens, viewing large amounts of data without overloading a single page. A touch of the finger on the graphical weather map brings up corresponding textual data of the highlighted station or weather icon. A settings page allows the pilot to further customize the weather data pages in both detail and range.

With the Lynx family of ADS-B products, you will receive up to the minute broadcast information regarding airports, Notice to Airmen (NOTAMs) and Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) in graphical and textual form. Similar to the weather map, touching an airport or zone icon on the graphical side of NGT-9000 map brings up its corresponding textual data. This data is useful in all phases of flight, aiding the pilot in planning proper routes and informing them about their departing and destination airports.

- - Mode S Extended Squitter (ES) transponder with intuitive touch screen interface
- - Dual Mode 1090ES ADS-B Out plus 1090 and 978 ADS-B In
- - Designed for 14V and 28V installations
- - Patented Lynx Tail provides Flight ID, aircraft type and ground speed data of other ADS-B traffic
- - Internal rule compliant position source (WAAS-GPS)
- - Moving map including TFRs, airport databases and NOTAMs
- - Subscription-free ADS-B graphical and textual weather including NEXRAD, METARs, Winds & Temps, Aloft, AIRMETs and SIGMETs
- - Customizable layouts and information per pilot preference
- - Faceplate data port for maintenance personnel access to setup menus, software updates and option enablements via laptop
- - Options available for internal L-3 NextGen Active Traffic, Antenna Diversity, PED (iPad) WiFi connectivity and Remote Mount models

The Lynx NGT-9000 is designed to fit almost any cockpit configuration... new or old

The Lynx NGT-9000R model is designed for use with newer integrated glass cockpits
LYNX NGT-2000 and 2500 MODELS

The Lynx MultiLink Surveillance System (MSS) Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) appliances are available at a variety of price points and are fully compliant with the FAA’s January 1, 2020 mandate for ADS-B out. Like all Lynx systems, each model features an internal rule-compliant position source (WAAS-GPS) and can re-use existing wiring and antennas to reduce installation times and costs. When coupled with a popular Mode C or S transponder (GTX 327 or GTX 330)*, the NGT-2000 and 2500 models are some of the most straightforward and inexpensive options for ADS-B equipage and cockpit integration.
- - Single LRU solution for ADS-B compliance
- - No modification to existing systems required
- - Navigation system remains unchanged – no costly upgrades required
- - Pairing with a separate GPS is not required – no hidden costs for an additional position source
- - Compatible with popular Mode C or S transponders (GTX 327, GTX 330) - [Optional control panel (CP-2500) available for discrete control of ADS-B system with other transponders]
- - UAT In/Out with embedded Rule Compliant Position source – meets equipage requirements with ADS-B In FIS-B and traffic displayable on PED (iPad) applications
- - Interfaces to applications such as WingXPro and SkyRadar (future apps pending)
- - All the above features of the NGT-2000 model with the added ability to view traffic and weather on dedicated cockpit display(s) using an ARINC 429 and/or RS-232 serial bus
- - The CP-2500 control panel is available for discrete control of the NGT-2000/2500 when paired with a non-compatible transponder. The CP-2500 features a “push to sync” function that alerts pilots when there is a miscompare to the legacy transponder squawk code and the Lynx control panel. A simple push of the dualconcentric knob synchronizes the Lynx system to the transponder’s squawk code.

An interactive Lynx application is available in the Apple and Android App stores. This free app is a virtual simulation of the Lynx NGT-9000 touch screen cockpit display that lets pilots interact with the unit as if they had a real system in their hands. The App covers the entire Lynx family of ADS-B products including features and options.
10 years ago