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Lightspeed Promotion: Free Ear Seals and More

Keep your Zulu feeling like new with Lightspeed's Summer Promotion

Get $200 worth of free ear-to-ear replacements

The key to your safety and comfort is keeping your headset in like-new working order, and we want our customers to have the best. We recommend that you replace your headset's ear seals, head pads and mic muffs every 18 months to keep it functioning properly.

With the purchase of a new Lightspeed Zulu 3 headset between May 17 - June 17, 2019, you'll receive 4 installments* of ear-to-ear headset replacements (2 ear seals, 2 mic muffs, and a head pad) delivered to your door for FREE. That's a $200 value over the lifetime of your 7-year Zulu 3 warranty.

Please download the Rebate PDF form and email it to along with a copy of your invoice.

Each set of headset accessories will be mailed at 18 month intervals (a total of 4 sets), to U.S. addresses only. To be eligible, new headsets must be registered on Lightspeed's website, and rebate must be submitted to Lightspeed no later than July 12, 2019.