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Transponder Trade-Up Program


We are excited to announce a trade-up offer for aircraft owners who switch from UAT (skyBeacon, tailBeacon, or Garmin GDL-82) to Stratus ES or Stratus ESG. We are offering up to $1,300 trade-up value, which consists of $1,000 for the UAT device (skyBeacon, tailBeacon, or Garmin GDL-82), plus another $300 for a GTX 327, or $200 for a Mode C transponder. UAT device and GTX 327 must be in good working condition, subject to evaluation.

When paired with an aging transponder, a remote-mounted UAT product is a short-term solution. The more reliable, long-term solution is to replace your aging transponder with a new Stratus transponder that’s backed by an industry-leading 5-year warranty.

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For more information or questions on how the trade-up program works, please contact our Sales Department at