Delta Zulu Holiday Special

Since the launch of the Lightspeed Delta Zulu, pilots have been asking for a more convenient way to maintain charged Lithium-Ion batteries for their flying. So, responding to customer feedback, Lightspeed is launching a new Battery Charger and including this along with an additional Lithium-Ion battery and charging cable (a 3 piece bundle!) as a free gift with purchase this holiday season (valued at $150). This will ensure you always have a spare, charged battery for your Delta Zulu to be able to charge it separately in your hangar, business or home.
With a value of $150, the Lightspeed Battery Charger Bundle is custom designed to charge the Lightspeed Delta Zulu Lithium-Ion battery module and allows for flexibility for our pilots to connect to either USB-A or C adapters for a faster charge. Its slim design makes it easy for storage, and the rotatable footer provides extra stability for benchtop use.
The fine print:
Customers must submit a completed form and proof of purchase to Lightspeed Aviation to obtain their gift. Only valid gift requests submitted online by January 26, 2024, for purchases made during the promotional period will be accepted. Once a valid request is received, the gift will be shipped directly from Lightspeed.

one year ago