The Engine Data Management 800 system is one of the most advanced and accurate piston engine-monitoring instrument on the market. Using the latest microprocessor technology, the EDM will monitor up to twenty-four critical parameters in your engine, four times a second, with a linearized thermocouple accuracy of better than 0.1 percent or 2° F. Think of the EDM 800 as your personal flight engineer. It's always there, working in the background, constantly watching over your engine while you concentrate on flying the aircraft. You can make an entire flight without ever pushing a button, if you so choose. Yet your EDM 800 will be monitoring your engine parameters three times a second and will warn you instantly if any parameter exceeds the programmed limit. Leaning is accomplished quickly and automatically using the LeanFind™ procedure. With the EDM it is now possible to have substantially more diagnostic information available to you in a timely and usable manner. The EDM 800 collects data and displays it for you in a useful way. You use the EDM 800 to monitor engine temperatures and voltages, adjust the fuel/air mixture, and diagnose engine malfunctions. The EDM 800 instrument has all the advanced functions of the EDM 700, but incorporates some new features like % Horse Power and Manifold Pressure. There are new easy readable digits located at the top of the EDM display which continuously show the percentage of horsepower being used and can also display your RPM. Now you can be sure that you are within the horsepower limits of your engine, and in IFR conditions, this can be quite a task. The EDM 800 comes standard with Fuel Flow (201B or 231 Transducer is included), CHT (Probes included), EGT (Probes included), RPM (sensor included), MAP (Sensor included), OAT (Probe included), Flight Data Memory (can store up to 25 hrs. of engine data), EzPlot (download software), data cable and a RS232 INTERFACE connection to connect to any GPS navigation system. In addition a useful options such as TIT, Oil Temp, CRB, CDT and IAT are available for your engine. With the EDM 800 acting as a flight engineer, you can enjoy improved fuel economy, reduced maintenance costs, and extended engine life. JPI is a leader in precision engine performance monitoring, and their expertise is built into the EDM-800.

FEATURES (some functions may be optional):

  • Hands-free, automatic scanning (711: primary only)
  • All programming done from the Front Panel
  • LeanFind™ finds the first and last cylinder to peak with true peak detect —eliminates a false peaks
  • Displays both leaned temperature below peak and peak
  • Battery voltage with alarm
  • 24 Programmable alarm limits
  • Normalize view
  • DIF low to high EGT with alarm
  • EGTs to stable 1°F resolution
  • Shock cooling monitored on every cylinder
  • User selectable index rate
  • Fast response probes
  • Non-volatile long term memory
  • Records and stores data up to 30 hours
  • Post-flight data retrieval
  • Download to Palm™ Computer
  • Data retrieval software

FAA Approved as primary temperature instruments for:

  • CHT
  • OIL
  • TIT
  • RPM
  • MAP
  • Oil temperature
  • Turbine inlet temperature
  • Outside air temperature
  • Compressor discharge temperature
  • Carburetor temperature
  • Fuel Flow
  • Solid-state rotor fuel flow transducer
  • Fuel quantity in gallons, kilograms, liters, or pounds
  • Low fuel quantity alarm
  • Low fuel time alarm
  • GPS interface
  • Instantaneous fuel flow rate
  • Total amount of fuel consumed
  • Total fuel remaining
  • Time to empty at the current fuel flow rate


  • The EDM 800 automatically accommodates both 14 and 28 volt electrical systems
  • TSO C43b, Temperature Indicator EGT-701 14.5 oz ./ 0.9 lbs
  • EGT probe MM-111 2.0 oz. each / 0.125 lbs
  • CHT probe 5050 1.5 oz. each / 0.094 lbs
  • Wire P.N. WK.-24 Harness 8 ft. 14.0 oz. each / 0.88 lbs
  • RPM and MAP 1.5 oz each / .094 lbs


  • EGT 4 or 6 probes
  • CHT 4 or 6 probes
  • Volts
  • Shock cooling
  • LOP/ROP JPI Exclusive Leaning Mode
  • Fuel Flow (USED, Remaining, GPH Endurance, GPS destination)
  • RPM
  • MAP
  • OAT
  • %HP (Requires: OAT, RPM, MAP, & FF )
  • All required Harness
  • EZTrends
  • Serial Data recording
Available in 2-1/4" or 3-1/8" display.